Mythbuster Monday: Crunches

Mythbuster Monday: Crunches

Myth—doing crunches is a great way to get sculpted abs. Busted!  First, ab crunches and sit-ups are not very safe exercises.  According to research by Dr. Stuart McGill, a specialist in low back disorders, crunches and sit-ups put 340 kg (about 750…

My Top 5 Core Moves

My Top 5 Core Moves

How many times have you heard that it’s important to build core strength?  Have you wondered what that means and how to do it?   Your core is basically everything that isn’t your head and limbs, but most people define…

Honey, I shrunk my muscles!

Honey, I shrunk my muscles!

Ah, the joys of getting older!  Our feet get bigger, we shrink in height, our noses and ears get bigger—basically, we become Hobbits and we can’t do much about any of this without the help of a plastic surgeon. Fortunately, there…

Planning to run: the power of a good plan

Planning to run: the power of a good plan

Most successful endeavors begin with a vision. An architect knows what kind of building she wants to design.  An entrepreneur has an idea for a unique business.  A runner wants to complete her first 10K race.  How successful will they be without a good…

Welcome to BoomerChiX!

Welcome to BoomerChiX!

Hi! I’m Barbara, a Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Aquatic Fitness Professional and (relatively new) runner. This is a fitness blog for GenX and Baby Boomer women. It’s about staying active and fit as we age. It’s about trying…